Nickle is a powerful desktop calculator language with many features of advanced languages and support for arbitrary precision numbers. It can run interactively to fulfill its role as a calculator, evaluate single expressions, and execute Nickle scripts. It also has an array of useful top-level commands for interacting with the interpreter.
nickle [-f file] [-l file] [-e expr] [script] [--] [arg ...]
Evaluate file.
Evaluate file like -f, but expect it to be in $NICKLEPATH.
Evaluate a Nickle expression, e.g.
If Nickle encounters an unflagged argument, it assumes it to be the name of a script, which it runs. If a .nicklerc file is available, it will be evaluated first. No more arguments are processed; the rest of the line is given to the script as its arguments.
Without -e or a script as an argument, Nickle runs interactively, accepting standard input and writing to standard output.